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Business Litigation

A Plaintiff-Centered Approach

Most businesses have a trusted law firm on retainer to handle regular business matters such as preparing and negotiating contracts, handling human resources matters, and even defending against claims by past employees or third parties. However, the law firms that do this work aren’t necessarily the right choice to file a lawsuit on your behalf in business litigation when your business has suffered significant damages. That’s why McInnes Law represents businesses on a contingency fee basis too.

Having a Plaintiff’s Firm Makes a Difference

McInnes Law provides the same top-quality service that it offers individual plaintiffs to small business plaintiffs. As a small business owner myself, I understand all the blood, sweat, and tears that go into starting a company and the frustration that occurs when problems arise. If your company has suffered damages because of another party, I can help. Here are a few of the reasons a plaintiff’s firm such as McInnes Law may be a better match for your complex business litigation case:

Contingency Fees for Business Litigation

Most businesses are used to paying their attorneys by the hour, but that’s not always the best option for a business pursuing litigation. At McInnes Law, business plaintiffs have the option of paying fees the same way that individual clients do: on a contingency fee basis. That means you don’t pay the firm unless Jack recovers money for you.

Alignment of Interests

In a standard bill-by-the-hour arrangement, the law firm gets paid regardless of the outcome of your case. With contingency fees, we have a common goal: the more I recover for you, the better we both do. And, if I don’t successfully resolve your case, I don’t get paid.

A Commitment to Pushing Your Case Forward

From a defendant’s perspective, delay is often good. The longer the case takes to move through the court system, the more likely a plaintiff will get worn down and settle for less money. After more than a decade as a plaintiff’s lawyer, I understand the necessity of pushing your case toward trial as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Free Consultation

The plaintiff-centered approach offers another advantage: a free consultation. If you’re interested in learning more about how an experienced plaintiff’s attorney can help your business recover damages without a large retainer or monthly billings, you have nothing to lose by scheduling a consultation. It won’t cost you a dime.

Fill out the online form, or call the firm at (913) 220-2488, to find out how McInnes Law can save you time, money and stress as you pursue your claim.

Frequently Asked Questions about Business Litigation
Business litigation cases typically involve claims for breach of contract, tortious interference, negligent misrepresentation, and/or fraud. Like with class action, employment, and personal injury plaintiffs,  McInnes Law represents business plaintiffs on a contingency fee basis. Learn more by clicking here.
Plaintiff’s lawyers approach cases very differently than defense lawyers. They have different strategies. They have different burdens of proof. McInnes Law represents plaintiffs on a contingency fee basis. If a business is going to be a plaintiff in a lawsuit to recover money based on another party’s conduct, hiring a plaintiff’s lawyer only makes sense. McInnes Law’s goal is the same regardless of whether it is representing a business or individual plaintiff: to maximize recovery as quickly and efficiently as possible. Businesses can limit their risk, avoid paying monthly legal bills, and trust in McInnes Law’s experience prosecuting, rather than defending, complex lawsuits.
Practice Areas

Contact us today for a free consultation and find out how we can help.

(913) 220-2488

Contact Us For a Free Consultation


1900 W. 75th Street, Suite 220, Prairie Village, KS 66208


(913) 220-2488


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